“White supremacy is a myth created on a false construct to justify social injustice, racism and crimes, including murder” — Frisco Bay

The racist murder of George Floyd was an expression of “white supremacy” hate against non-whites

Racism is a vital component deeply entrenched in the social, political and economic structure of US society which without it its system would not work to benefit the minority ruling class. The US true social reality regarding racism has been and continuous to be shunned in private and public. The criminal past and present of the US is precisely what is intended to be suppressed while social injustice, racism, imprisonment, murder and death keep ravaging on the future and lives of millions almost unchecked and unbridled, not only for decades but for centuries since the arrival of the white man to the American continent from Europe. In US society avoiding and even denying the truth on racism is so deeply embedded in the social psych that it’s regarded as “natural” and any attempt to acknowledge it or talk about it is deem as suspicious or abnormal. The US is a highly alienated, hypocritical, spiritually sick, and ultra racist society where anyone speaking the truth would be labelled as “un-American,” “radical,” and even “terrorist” which is the best justification to call the police while knowing that they have a “privilege” status to act with lethal violence, and even more so, if one is either a black or brown individual from the ghetto. The police will act according to the area or neighborhood they are in when called; in areas where the rich live they would ask questions but in black or brown ghettos they will shoot to kill first and ask questions later. These facts are considered taboo to speak about openly and objectively in US society and you would be expected to keep your mouth shut or face consequences. Racism in the US is also an effective tool to sustain and keep up the deep state of human alienation that prevails throughout the whole country that can determine where you will  work, how much you will earn, where will you live, what type of car you will drive, where will you cut your hair at, who will be your friends, what school will your kids go to, where or when you will be able to go on vacation, and even how or when you will die as the case of George Floyd was. None of what is mentioned here would happen in a normal society which the US is not. Most poor people in the world have dark skin which also applies to the US, hence it is blacks and browns dying in disproportionate numbers not only by racist and murderous trigger happy police, but also by sickness caused by viruses and other sources due to lack of funds within the working class in a country where medical care is a business rather than a human right. This and much more is the US you won’t see or hear about on conventional television, radio or movies because the real truth is conveniently denied and replaced with fiction, nonsense, and stupidity that too many still buy and live accordingly to avoid dealing with true reality while foolishly pretending that everything is fine. 

The feature of the US is certainly bleak and objective reality demand a deep re-flexion on how and why this society has arrived at its present reality resulting from its own history as a nation. In the over all one must realize that racism itself is merely a convenience seeking to blur a social “class” issue behind the criminal and deathly actions perpetrated by police against non-white citizens as in the case of George Floyd. The actual US social reality can only be changed from the root by a mass revolution involving millions of organized citizens of all skin colours, language or origin, dedicated and determined to comply with the demand of history to create a new nation of equality and true justice for all and not just for a few. It is a social class issue and not a skin color one that must be resolved “by any means necessary.” The idea of creating a mass revolution in the US to change it from the root is not new. Since the early 1960s after the ending of the 1950s decade that some nostalgic minds refer to as “great” years, the existentialists begun to question the prevailing values that were created throughout previous years since the US government claimed to have won the Second World War. The existentialist philosophical movement that appeared in the Bay Area during the early 1960s was subsequently adopted by a generation of youth who later became “hippies” with ideas linked to a people’s revolution that gained space and interest among them inspired by the revolution’s triumph in Cuba under the leadership of Fidel Castro. As years passed, phenomenons like the so-called civil rights “movement” and others appeared on the US social scene, but by the end of the 1970s almost everything that generation had created started to fade out and the 1980s came into being and a new mind set was created. Despite not having been able to create structural conditions for a true revolutionary movement to develop within the US, the ideas linked to it didn’t go with the fade out and many kept active throughout the decades even until present times. The answers we demanded then to our questions linked to the country’s true history were not provided and as result, a new generation must take on the task to write a new page of history the country so badly needs in order to come to terms with its own criminal past. We can’t tell you when, how or where it will start but can assure you that it will happen. No one or nothing can stop the wheel of history from turning. The US is now in decline and the natural process of evolution can’t be stopped with money or weapons so it’s only a matter of time… 

As stated before, we believe that changing the present economic, social and political system of the US can only be done by a mass revolution involving millions of people, and while we remain firm on that belief, we also realize that attempting to unite people of all skin colors, origins, language, background, idiosyncrasies and other factors that make them different from whites, can be an extremely difficult if not an impossible task to achieve. Unity among people regardless of race is precisely the factor that alienation in the US racist society seeks to preserve, promote and continue so that capitalism can keep on. The rulers of the US social, economic, and political system have different mechanisms or options available to them for mass control, and racism has proven itself to be the most effective one of all. The main component of racism is hate for another person even if unknown on the basis of one or all factors mentioned before, particularly the skin color that’s been and continues to be associated with social or economic status. Hate created by social alienation generates unnatural feelings in the human psyche that can develop into potential proclivities to use violence against one or more individuals based solely on what they are as people, which is exactly what the rulers of the system want. People hating, attacking, and even killing among them feeds and nourishes the capitalist system of exploitation and inequalities that affect all except the rulers. Hence racism is a vital component of the US social structure which without it the system wouldn’t work as it does, and it is within the context of this fact that uniting people for a revolution can be an extremely complex, difficult, and even an impossible task to achieve. Some efforts to bring people together were made throughout the 1960s and 1970s but everything failed due to the strength racism has in the deepest entrails of the human psyche of US society wherein whites still make up the majority in numbers. Therefore, anyone wanting or hoping for a revolution in the US must focus on racism and deal with it as the biggest prevailing obstacle to create unity among people, regardless of skin color, origin, language, background, and etcetera. If the problem of racism is not resolved or at least minimized, whatever plan or program linked to make a revolution will fail and people will die in vain. Currently, individuals from organizations who are active in advocating and promoting revolution in the US don’t address the problem of racism during their speeches. There are millions of people who still reject others on the basis of skin color, origin, nationality, language, and other factors that make them different and not addressing this fact is an error. Also, citizens of European origin normally called “whites” should not be the only people thought of as racist because there are also African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans, and others who are racist too.  Racism in general generates division instead of unity, disrespect instead of respect, selfishness instead of solidarity, hate instead of love, rejection instead of acceptance, and everything else that’s contrary to the necessary comradeship in order to create togetherness and unity as survival elements in a war against an enemy that can only be defeated by millions united in a common goal. 

The idea related to the need for a people’s revolution in the US is in itself a very complex matter made up of many factors that must be taken into account, for their analysis and study as part of the process to create the needed safe conditions before taking any type of action. One factor to consider is the existence of armed militias in the US and what is or could be their position and/or role in the context of a people’s revolution. According to information available in public videos, their reason for being is to protect and save what some leaders have referred to as “our way of life” that’s supposedly being threatened by illegal immigration they link to drug trafficking and criminal activities. Militia’s leaders have alleged that the government is not protecting the borders and as result the country is in its present shape due to these factors. Based on this rather feeble allegation they have taken it upon them to patrol the Southern border while armed with war weapons. This Militia’s position is not compatible with the idea of creating conditions for a people’s revolution in the US to get rid of capitalism/imperialism and should be taken into consideration by revolutionary leaders for a discussion of the subject. Militia’s leaders have not yet [that we know of] made any statements on whether or not they agree with the idea of a revolution in the US but this should become known since they are heavily armed organizations willing to wage war. The majority of Militia’s are made up by white men and women and are located mainly in the South. In videos featuring interviews with Militia leaders, statements were made regarding their dissatisfaction with the system which they blame as the culprit responsible for their social and economic condition described as “disenfranchisement” but without providing any details. Over all, the statements made by Militia’s leaders on their true reason for being heavily armed organizations willing to wage war, but without explaining why or for what purpose, remain ambiguous and need clarification to determine what their role would be in the context of a mass people’s revolution aimed at overthrowing US capitalism and imperialism. In addition, there is also a black-only Militia known as NFAC [Not Fucking Around Coalition] in Georgia led by an Afro-American named John Fitzgerald Johnson, a.k.a., “Grand master Jay.” According to information on articles and videos, their reason for being is to protect their community from racist police violence which is similar to the 1960s Black Panther Party. Another factor we think is important to take into consideration during the process of creating the conditions for a future people’s revolution is what relates to intelligence and counterintelligence employed in almost all levels of activity in modern society. It is only common sense and understanding that decisions to take actions are made based on having information and knowledge on something specific. In the case of groups, organizations, and/or individuals engaged in activities related to plans linked to overthrowing a government by means of war as is the case in the US, the function of intelligence and counterintelligence practice is even more critical and crucial due to the nature of the main purpose. Many years ago applying intelligence and/or counterintelligence methods to a developing process aimed at creating favorable conditions for a future war didn’t have great importance, but those years are gone and present times are different with intelligence gathering being decisive on whether to loose or win a class war of liberation, such as the one purported in the US by revolutionary leaders. The US has one of the best and biggest intelligence and counterintelligence service system in the world upon which the government relays on to make important decisions. Based on this fact, our suggestion is that revolutionary leaders strongly consider seeking professional advice on the creation of a counterintelligence network to operate throughout the country. In these times, any serious revolutionary organization working to create a revolution in the US without a source providing vital information, will be infiltrated and destroyed from within by the FBI, CIA or other sources available to the government for that purpose. The highly sophisticated and technological intelligence capabilities the government have now make the COINTELPRO of the 1960s and 1970s program insignificant, so by all means antifascist activists should consider creating a counterintelligence defense network to have a chance to survive and maybe win the inevitable future war.  

Another factor worth thinking of as important is creating alliances with organizations such as the Mexican-American or Chicano Brown Berets, Mecha, the Puerto Rican Young Lords, AIM, and others that were created in the 1960s and 1970s that still exist now. There was also the BLA then worth looking into it to find out what their present status is, if any. A people’s revolution would include everybody and not only whites. In the case of Chicano’s they have links with anti-imperialist organizations in Mexico and other places in South America. The major difference between the 1960s and 1970s when those organizations were created and now, is that giving the existing social-political conditions then, each organization only sought to protect the interests of their own community rather than the general interest of the great majority working class.

People then created organizations motivated by needs to protect their community against social evils like racism manifested in different ways that covered all aspects of life. Leaders wrote or spoke about the wrong actions against their communities by powers that be at different levels commonly arguing violations of their civil rights that became the vogue in the 1960s and 1970s in the US. The main speech by leaders then was centered on protecting constitutional rights while the root source that created injustices which is capitalism was not mentioned. Symptoms made by an unjust system were shouted loudly during speeches but the culprit was ignored. Every since then after long decades have past, there seems to have been an evolution in thinking and antifascist leaders nowadays are pointing out directly at capitalism/imperialism as the root source of injustices and crimes against humanity in many ways, not only in the US but throughout the world. And that mind evolution change is highly important.

The need for a people’s revolution in the US is now overdue for no less than 50 years for different reasons and must not continue undone. Objectively, working towards the final goal of dismantling the capitalist/imperialist criminal system of the US by means of a people’s revolution, is the best thing to do for the present generation since there is no future in this system for them, and for the great majority working class who create the wealth enjoyed by only a few who make up the ruling class owning and controlling everything by force for their own selfish benefit. We believe that if there is class awareness, solidarity, understanding, mutual respect and love among all people involved in the historical process, the people’s revolution stand a chance to win the inevitable class war to create a different and better country for the benefit of all, and not just for a few who make up the plutocracy ruling class.

About the truth is freedom

I live for the truth only just as the Lord Jesus did
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