Race mixing and “diversity” are Jewish-created hoxes in their satanical quest for a world government agenda

Publisher’s Note: Every-now-and then The Truth would publish pieces written by non-members of our collective on the basis of quality writing, subject knowledge, or social interest but above all, we would publish articles written by non-members on the basis of the subject. Writings on the subject of race mixing or race in general are not abundant yet race play a daily role in our lives in different ways, and this was the main reason why we decided to publish the writing below. We hope you will enjoy reading it.

The Dire Consequences of Race Mixing

By Sven Longshanks

You would think that informing people about the negative consequences of race mixing would be gratefully received and seen as similar to giving warnings about the dangers of smoking or eating “fast food,” but when the subject is brought up and you try to warn people about it, they don’t appreciate it and instead accuse you of “hating” people of mixed race such as mulattoes. If common people knew the facts about the differences among the different races they would then realize that it is actually the parents of mixed race people who hate them by forcing on them their genetic status in the first place.

Herein it is hoped to give common people –in particular whites– an understanding of real life negative consequences of race mixing resulting mainly from psychological conditioning, mostly acquired in the Jewish controlled mass media for specific purposes related to their quest for world control. There is very little or nothing around devoted to this subject and most people seem as if they have never really thought about it before while the fact is that one quick fumble in bed can have long lasting negative effects on all successive generations.

The genetic similarity theory

There are two genetically directed instincts within all humans regarding the choosing of a mate. The most powerful one is explained by “Genetic Similarity Theory” which is the drive that makes you seek out a partner with a large amount of the same hereditary genes as you. This is to ensure that the features your combined genes contribute to in your children’s physical and mental traits are the same as the ones your ancestors’ had. This is the reason why there are people that look like you from far back in your family past like grandparents or great grandparents. This is not only because you are related to them but because their parents choice of partner was similar to your own parents choice of partner. Your hereditary genes will have stayed the way they were in your ancestors being continually passed down from generation to generation while molding descendants in the likeness of their predecessors. This is why there are musical families where each generation had musicians in it. The parent instinctively found a partner with the same genes their parents had and the talent for music was passed on. It is also why people say that husbands pick women for wives who are similar to their mothers. If there were no drives to find partners with similar hereditary genes then there would be no distinct races. If you are a mixed race individual then there would be no one in your family past that you resemble. They will all have been prevented from having an unobstructed influence on your form and character.

The second lesser instinct is for variety and it is there to ensure that you don’t mate with an extended family member encouraging you to look for someone who is unlike you. This will add novel DNA to your offspring’s genome leading to less chance of genetic disease. It is the source of the phrase “opposites attract” and works well when you are living among people of your own race creating thereby a healthy disease resistant population. Unfortunately, if other races are living among you it can turn into a genetically destructive desire to mate with them and will result in a weakening of disease resistance. Different races are susceptible to different diseases and this susceptibility will then be passed on to the mixed race child giving them the weakness of both races instead of only one.

The Mendelian Inheritance

In a mixed race relationship between two pure types their children will not have a smooth blend of characteristics from each parent but each will separate out into their own individual race components forming a patchwork of features in the offspring. This is true for all hybrids even those produced from breeds of the same species; the finished plants will show individual features from each parental type rather than a harmonious blend with the majority of the plants showing more of the dominant characteristics. If you crossed a recessive small leaf plant with a dominant big leaf plant you would not get a medium leaf plant but instead a mainly big leaf one with a few small leaves here and there. If you bread the hybrid back in with the pure types you would not any longer be able to predict how the plants would turned out as each formerly pure type would have been adulterated and every so often, it would produce a plant with wildly different characteristics of the parent’s type. The same happens with animals. You can’t get back to a pedigree once you have been left with a mongrel. Hybridization shatters the form entirely into separate units of characteristics and get jumbled up again each time they get passed on. People see attractive half castes and think their children will have the same characteristics but it is impossible for them to be passed on like that as they separate out again into individual race features ensuring there is no unity of form to be passed on. Since black genes are dominant while white genes are recessive mulattoes will always look more black than white. This is why the mixed race children of white woman Heidi Klun and negro man “Seal” look nothing whatsoever like either parent as they don’t have a harmonious and natural brown blend of each parents features but have black ones instead. This union is an overwhelming proof that blood mixing between blacks and whites simply does not work and the idea that black and white will produce brown is a myth. It will not happen because neither one have the required genes to make it possible.

Species, subspecies and breeds

According to the evolutionary definition of race, all races started out as the same species but have diverged far enough apart from one another over time to be almost classified as separate species. In all defining categories man is composed of subspecies at least and by many standards and variations are enough for all races to be classed as different species entirely. For example, if you saw two animals one with feathers and one with fur you would call them different species. The difference between Caucasian hair and Negro hair is nearly as big a difference between fur and feathers. The reality is that Negro “hair” can’t be felted as it lacks the natural oil glands of real hair and actually has far in common with wool than it does with hair and was defined as such up until the last century.

The differences between races of man show more variance between them than even different breeds of dogs which is why human races are not called breeds. Human breeds are the separate strains within the race; Caucasian for example has Nordic, Alpine, Slavic, Mediterranean and others. Breeding between human races is like breeding bulls and mares or goats with sheep; both of these produce viable offspring’s so being able to produce as offspring together is no guarantee of being the same species.

The differences between Caucasians and Negroes

People think and say that Caucasian men and women have only 0.5% difference in their DNA from Negroes implying that there is only a very small difference between them, yet there is only 1.5% difference in DNA between a Caucasian and a chimpanzee. A very small amount of change in the DNA makes for huge differences between species due to the many different ways genes themselves can be combined. Unlike the Marxist lie that “race is only skin deep” every part of the human body is uniquely different among races.

They have different genital size, position and placing, different shape and size of feet, legs and arms, different amounts of teeth, muscle, different skull shape and thickness and in fact the bones are so different that forensic scientists can tell what race someone is just from a tiny scrap of bone from anywhere in the body by sight alone. Blood transfusions are not possible between the human races [they are possible between cats and dogs] and neither are bone marrow transplants. A mixed race individual stands little chance of finding a donated organ that will not reject their mismatched body since the organs are irreconcilably different as well. Obviously the skin is different but so are the lungs, testicles, brain, kidneys, etcetera. Caucasoid brains are larger than Negroid and the and the frontal lobes have deep fissures associated with complex problem solving, while Negroid brains are smaller and have shallow fissures. Consequently the average Negro IQ is 15 points lower than the average Caucasian IQ. This result is found regardless of geography and social status. Negroes adopted into affluent white families and Negroes in Africa and in America all produce the same average IQ results. Obviously not all people have their average racial IQ and there are always exceptional individuals at either end of the scale yet exceptions serve to prove the rule rather than to negate it.

Different rates of hormones

The quote below was taken from “The Biology of The Race Problem” using breeds of dogs as an example:

“It may be assumed that in two behavioral types of genetics of each system is different and the interaction between genetic factors and the glandular processes also differs. Within the pure behavioral types there is a harmonious relationship between behavioral systems and the other bodily organs. This holds both for the inactive and active types. Among the hybrids however, in which there is mixed physical form, there is also a disharmonious relationship between the bodily organs and the reaction systems. The factors which influence behavior become mixed and varied just as those that determine physical form. In the mixed type the harmonious relationship found within each pure behavioral type is broken up and the result is disharmony among the systems.”

One of the most important differences between the human races is the rate of hormones that each one produce. Hormones control our emotions, pain control, plus sensitivity and all different feelings that affect our behavior are correlative with various secretions from different glands. Mixed race individuals can have a different rate of secretions needed for particular organs they have ended up with which can cause a highly unstable temperaments. This is caused by the same conflicting racial characteristics that result in aberrations such as having a Negro skull with a Caucasian skin or Caucasian skeleton with Negro skin. Rather than having each organ being partially Caucasian and Negro in a harmonious blend of the two, some of the organs will be Negro but some will be Caucasian. So you might get white testicles in a black body or a black brain in a white skin body. In a mixed race individual who appears to be mainly Negro there is no way to predict whether all of his/her organs are Negro too. Negroes in general have a higher testosterone rates than Caucasians, are more aggressive and less emotionally balanced because of this but at least their organs are intended for that amount of testosterone. Hormone irregularities are also linked with depression and not surprisingly there is a very high rate of depression as well as other health problems among mixed race individuals when compared to non-mixed race men or women. There is also a much higher suicide rate among mixed raced children as they are five times more likely to commit suicide than someone of a singular race.

Women, children and marriage

Children like to look like their parents. Little girls in particular like to look like their mother. It must be very upsetting for mixed race children to see someone who looks nothing like him or her and also very upsetting to know that this was knowingly done to them by their own parents. Chemical beauty products to make black people look white are a massive multi-million industry as most blacks are desperate to make themselves look white. Why do they want to be white but say they are proud to be black? Someone explain this contradiction.  A mixed race child has to live with the knowledge that he or she could have been born happy with their skin color and kinky hair if only the parents had not deliberately deprived him or her of this. Some people like to think that they own their bodies but you can only really own something that you have made yourself or that you have purchased. The human body is formed according to its genes and you are only its trustee. The beneficiary is the race and the genes are relying on you to replicate them in a way so that they can grow in the form nature chose for them. You are just the current captain of your gene chariot and not the owner of it and the consequent drivers are all counting on you to be a careful pilot. White women who commit miscegenation are giving away something that it is not theirs to give up since they owe their very existence to their ancestors who laid down their lives to protect them and provided everything they now enjoy or benefit from.

As well as the permanent alteration to your posterity mixed race relationships are also more likely to split up but what really is even more alarmingly nowadays is the high rate of white women being murdered by their black husbands or boy friends. Statistics clearly show that a white woman is more likely to be killed by a black man in a relationship than with a white man or other, and white men are twenty one times more likely to be murdered by a black wife than by a woman of another race. As of this writing femicide i.e., the homicide of women, is the leading cause of death in the United States among black and white mix race relationships. Black males are 33% more likely to murder their spouse if she is white instead of black. These facts can be attributed to the real nature of blacks that is either disguised or hidden by the Zionist-controlled mass media, for reasons linked to the Jewish quest to control the world through a world government.


Race is more fundamental than gender and yet confusion is acknowledged as a disorder that modern medicine thinks is so drastic that it requires mutilation to attempt to put right. How much more of a disorder is being mixed race? Does anyone seriously think that a child would choose to have no ancestors, no people, no community? These unfortunates do their best with a bad lot trying not to end up hating life and despising those who have a family tree behind them. And there is nothing that they can do about it. Even three month old babies know more about race than most adult Europeans and show a preference for the faces of their own race even when they are of people they have never seen before. They instinctively know what race they are.  Which race face is it that a three month old mixed race babies find comforting? The natural state of babies and children is racist and this lasts until they are old enough to understand and succumb to the liberal programming that all whites are now being subjected to. Prior to the advent of cultural Marxism race mixing was always seen as the ultimate sin against nature in our society. We can see that this is objectively due to an in-born biological drive to preserve the genetics of our ancestors and prevent a decline in future generations.

Historically there were rapes and unlawful marriages but genetic similarity theory shows that desiring people of a different ethnicity as a partner to produce children with, is an unnatural aberration and those who have already engaged in this destructive behavior were able to prove that it does not work. There has been for almost two generations –starting in the 1960s– and continues now a massive brainwashing program that seeks to encourage the races to mix with each other. I object to this because I can’t think of anything more selfish and destructive than breaking an unbroken line of an immortal type of man for the sake of what is essentially a fetish that will still be affecting all of your offspring’s long after you are gone.

Since the purpose of all life is to be able to recreate itself in the perfect form that God and nature choose for it to willfully destroy that template and think you know better than nature is an active defiance of the basic order of the universe. To forcefully take away from your children the right that God and nature gave you and the right to pass on that divinely formed genetic torch is a heinous crime against life itself. The highest duty of any living human being is to pass on its existence to the next generation. There is nothing worse that a man can do in his life time than to extinguish the flame of his ancestors.

About the truth is freedom

I live for the truth only just as the Lord Jesus did
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10 Responses to Race mixing and “diversity” are Jewish-created hoxes in their satanical quest for a world government agenda

  1. Excellent reading. I wonder how “progressives” that support and promote race mixing are going to react to the article…?

    • tondor13 says:

      They are conditioned by the Jewish controlled media that those who are not “progressive” can only be racist. If we criticise Christians, especially Catholics, then that is acceptable. But if we dare to criticise the Jews then we are anti-Semitic even though more than 80% of Jews are not Semites. The none Semites are mainly Ashkenazi Jews who are not really Jews at all but simply members of the Jewish faith. All prime ministers of Israel have so far been Ashkenazi Jews who are all descended from Jewish converts. Their true homeland is in Georgia which is 800 miles away from Israel any yet they lyingly claim Israel to be their promised land. The truth is that Israel is not their promised land, they stole it from the real Semites.

  2. Any time anyone speaks or writes the truth about Jews he/she is immediately called “anti-Semite.” This is the trick Jews and/or their supporters use to justify or try to cover up the truth about their criminal actions since the begining of time up until present with the continuos murdering of Palestinians and many other evil deeds.

  3. NOT Hitler says:

    This is racist, no arguing end of story.

    Scientists say race mixing is natural result of globalization. This is selective and racist. Being interracial couples is actually scientifically proven for healthier and more attractive babies.

    You my friend should just accept the facts.

    • Your comment reflects the exact way the creators of “diversity” want people to think, so it is not a surprise at all. On the other hand, The Truth is NOT the author of the article; we simply published what the author wrote and take no responsibility for its contents.

  4. Pit Nicker says:

    Everything else I more or less agree with, but I do have one teeny tiny niggling problem with the idea of breeding bulls with mares. Bovine and an equine do not mix. They produce no offspring from such a coupling. A better example would be donkey and horse.

  5. Jacob says:


    “Consequently the average Negro IQ is 15 points lower than the average Caucasian IQ. This result is found regardless of geography and social status. Negroes adopted into affluent white families and Negroes in Africa and in America all produce the same average IQ results. Obviously not all people have their average racial IQ and there are always exceptional individuals at either end of the scale yet exceptions serve to prove the rule rather than to negate it.”
    The suicide problem comes from such social constructions. Especially if you are part white:http://www.salon.com/2014/05/29/elliot_rodgers_half_white_male_privilege/

  6. Pingback: Economic Terrorism In America II | Economic & Multicultural Terrorism

  7. Pingback: Jewish corrupters of White women and girls | Smoloko

  8. Tobe says:

    Good article but race mixing should not be abolished like a crime or taboo. Any one who wants to marry from another race should do so with a clear mind without fear or guilt

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